Environment • 7 min read
Saira and Kelly, inclusive walk leaders, at Stanmer Park, South Downs National Park
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B Corp
Equality & human rights
Give it back
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Identity & culture
Neo bookshelf
Neo studio
Purposeful business
Social issues
Ways of working
Workplace culture
A homeless man sitting in a nook in a street in Brighton.

Why tell the real stories of homelessness?

Social issues

Pioneering projects that are disrupting the status quo

It’s a privilege helping pioneering charities and organisations find what matters — their true purpose, the positive change they want others to be a part of.

Identity & culture

In conversation with... Karin Tenelius, co-founder, Tuff Leadership Training

Why creating simple, open, honest dialogue is essential to teams going through big change, like redefining their purpose and identity.

Identity & culture
Life Buoy

In conversation with… Jane Petit, CEO, Foothold

As demand for support surges amid the coronavirus crisis, is it time for benevolent funds to rethink their purpose? We speak to Foothold CEO Jane Petit.

Identity & culture
Winning hearts and minds must start from within charities – brand and culture – Neo

Want to change hearts and minds? Start with your own

A brand story is much stronger if it rings true within the organisation. So, if you want to connect better with your supporters, dare to start with yourselves.

Cartoon illustration of a horseriding hero leaps from a cliff

Take the Hero's Journey

Want to tell a story of change in the world? Sharpen up your storytelling with the Hero's Journey.


Learn the art of story

Neo is offering half-day storytelling workshops in London and Brighton, tailored for communications professionals working in the non-profit sector.

Sainsbury's, Live Well For Less

What makes a great 'brand idea'?

Sometimes a simple concept can power a brand story for years. Here's how we define a brand idea, and three of our favourites.

Emma speaking at Charity Comms lunch - rebranding the third sector

The Third Sector: re-branding or re-imagining?

Our brand strategist Emma on the role of connecting with purpose - as individuals, organisations and as a movement.

Friston Forest beech trees by Green Explorer (Tom)

It's not (just) what you do

Powerful ways to work, learned through our project with Brighton & Hove Integrated Care Service.


Changing how we think about values

You’ve got a set of organisational values – now how do you live them? We share how we're making sure we take our values off the PowerPoint slide and into our everyday working life.


Feeling okay with the octopus: four things we've learned from rebranding ourselves

We're used to doing it for other organisations, but as anyone who's tried to apply their skills close to home will know, you can be your own worst client.
