Environment • 7 min read
Saira and Kelly, inclusive walk leaders, at Stanmer Park, South Downs National Park
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The power of creativity, conflict resolution, and building peace

There are some inspiring charities out there doing some amazing work with conflict resolution and helping to aid peace, and discussion around the world


Kingfisher are feeling “Net Positive” about sustainability

Kingfisher believe it's the duty of business to not only conserve, but to give back and regenerate the planet, and what's more, it can be profitable.


One man's freedom is another man's unsustainable consumer

At Neo we feel it's essential to top up our intellectual capital frequently – engines won't run without oil, or for us, ideas.


Reinventing the pub

We've been working with the lovely folk at The Bevendean Pub in Brighton to help them transform it into something truly extraordinary.


Pukka starts something beautiful

We've been working with Pukka for the past six months to create a campaign identity that works in harmony with the distinctive Pukka brand.


Communications on a Shoestring

This week we attended the CharityComms Communications on a Shoestring conference, giving some practical advice on how charities can best tackle their communications challenges on a tight budget.


Business not as usual

There really has never been a more critical time to address the environmental, economic and social future of our world.


The art of engagement

The way we engage with one another is fast paced and dynamic, and so too is the way we engage with brands.


Neo celebrates 10 years with 10 communication challenges

After 10 years successfully producing impactful communications for a range of charities and sustainable businesses, we felt it was time to give something back.


Young at heart: creating a powerful youth engagement campaign


Big advice for 10 small charities


Whatever happened to Benetton?
