Content Strategy for Mobile by Karen McGrane
For non-techies, the conversation can seem impregnable. You may find yourself tempted to slink away, convinced that conversations about platform strategy and responsive design are best left to the designers and coders.
Hang in there. Karen McGrane’s Content Strategy For Mobile is an approachable, practical, even entertaining argument for going mobile-first with your digital content.
Avoiding jargon in favour of everyday language where possible (‘chunks versus blobs’, etc) this book should resonate with any online content person, whether you’re a web editor, communications manager or digital marketer. Pick it up (it’s no doorstop) and you’ll quickly feel that dealing with adaptive content is half as mystical and twice as interesting.
Three things you’ll learn:
1) Making assumptions about when people need your content on a mobile device is a fool’s game.
2) Planning for mobile begins with the content – that’s your ticket to help shape a web project, not just fit into it.
3) Getting your content wrangled for mobile will solve other problems too – driving snappy messaging, consistent brand language and better user experience for everyone.
Content Strategy for Mobile by Karen McGrane [ISBN: 978-1-937557-0-89]
is available from A Book Apart. While you’re waiting for it to arrive, catch up with Karen’s keynote from Content Strategy Forum 2011: The way forward: the future of content strategy.
This is the first ‘Neo bookshelf’, a series of brief posts about books on brand, communications and digital thinking that we want to shout about.
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