Monty Don speaking at the 2-15 NHS Sustainability Awards

Three NHS Sustainability Awards for Care Without Carbon

“Sustainability connects you with everything that matters.”

So said Monty Don, at the 2015 NHS Sustainability Awards last week in London.

He was preaching to the converted, of course. But the idea of embedding sustainable practices in everything you do is more easily applauded than it is achieved.

We’ve been lucky to spend the past two years working with Sussex Community NHS Trust, creating a campaign designed to connect everyone there with the prospect of a greener, healthier NHS.

Dare campaign teaser

Already 300 people have ‘Dared’ via the website, creating a platform for deeper engagement that will help shape the development of the trust’s strategy over time.

The trust’s management plan is called Care Without Carbon, and our employee engagement campaign ‘Dare to Care’ launched in January.

Care Without Carbon has now been recognised with three NHS Sustainability Awards, in the Behaviour Change, Human Resources and Clinical categories.

Congratulations from us at Neo go to the Care Without Carbon team Will, Susie, Jim & Hayley, and to our friends at BrightMinded, for all the hard work. A wonderful way to mark the end of the beginning.

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The Care Without Carbon team receiving the Behaviour Change award